Thursday, August 18, 2011

Clothes Folding Demonstration by SyuenSyuen

SyuenSyuen loves to help me with the household chores. Many Asian parents do not allow their children to help them in household chores because they think that this will slow down their work and waste their time. I found that they are impatient or perhaps they are over-protected their children.

Since SyuenSyuen knew how to walk until now (4 years old), I let her help me with the household chores. Of course, it did slow down my work and lots of patience is needed but I think it's all worthwhile. Now, she can demonstrated how to fold her clothes. She started by telling me..

First, take a shirt and put it up in front of you.

Then, put nicely it on the floor.


 After that, fold it into half nicely.

Then, fold it 1/3.

This is her final product. :)

Isn't it better if I video it down. Hahaha...what a blur mummy!
To all parents, all you need is a little bit of patience and a little bit of encouragement. :)

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