Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Giant Bubbles

This is our favourite activity just before the haze, probably two months ago. Kind of busy lately, sorry for this very late post. My girls love to play with bubbles, coincidently found a webpage teaching us to make giant bubble! This caught our attention. So, here we are!
The ingredient that we need;
For the bubbles solution:
          250ml dish washer
          4tbsp tapioca flour
          1.5liter water 
Just mix all the ingredient in a big basin.
For the bubbles sticks:
          2 strings (one is shorter and the other is longer)
          2 bamboo sticks
Tie one end of the shorter string at the upper part of a bamboo stick and repeat the other end of the shorter string attached to another upper part of the bamboo stick. Repeat the same for the longer string but tie it at the middle of the bamboo sticks.
You can blow it or just run and just let the wind do the trick!


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