Thursday, September 10, 2015

Map of Malaysia

I like to travel a lot, either in the country or overseas. And I never missed the opportunity to bring along my children. I think children learn better through experience and I strongly believe that through travelling, my children will become a better man. We get to know each other better, it improves our relationship. For better understanding of the places that we went before including the distance, the significant of each states, the foods and cultures; I decide that we draw a map! A HUGE MAP of MALAYSIA!
We drew it on the mah-jong paper which is big enough for us. Different coloured paper indicated different states. We have the children writing the name of the states and drawing the significant of each states (according to their memory and experience of each trip). I didn't stressed on the amount of the significant things that they can remember. As long as what they can think of, they can just draw it on the map.

When we move on to Sabah, the children seem to have difficulty in remembering any significant of Sabah. All they said is "earthquake"! Okay, so they draw Mount. Kinabalu and that's all! After a few days, out of a sudden, Li Syuen told me, "Mum, Sabah produces lots of's called Teh Sabah!" Well done, Li Syuen! I guess it is all worthwhile though we spent a day and a night to complete this GIANT map of Malaysia!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fraction Concept Activity

When teaching my children especially in Mathematics, I will take some efforts to set their mind with the right concept. With the right concept of it, it will be easier for the children to tackle any questions that they come across; easy or difficult.

Fraction might sounds easy but I still insist on carrying out this activity. The children have fun too! So, this is what we need; pencil, scissors, strips of coloured paper and a piece of paper.

The children have to fold the strips of colour paper according to the fraction given. Then, cut it and paste it on a piece of paper. Having the children to write down the fraction numbers makes them understand more about the fraction. This is our Fraction Wall.

Then, we move on to intermediate level. We prepared some coloured paper shapes this time.

Again, we fold, cut and paste. This is our outcome.

Children understand more after doing this activity rather than just doing exercise from the book. Have a try and have a nice day!


姐姐总爱抱着妹妹睡觉但是妹妹却不喜欢,她喜欢自在地睡觉。姐姐想通过抱抱来表达爱意,妹妹不领情还很生气地向我投诉“妈咪,你看姐姐。。我很讨厌她。。我不喜欢她抱我!” 唉。。。我就说“那。。好吧。。我们就把姐姐给卖了吧,就卖25仙吧!” 我这么地一说,妹妹立刻回应”不。。不。。我不要卖掉姐姐。。我只不过想要她乖乖而已。。”