Year 2012 is definitely a year to remember. We went through so much ups and downs this year, good stuff...the little one that we have been so looking forward to...bad stuff...learned lesson and of course, being a much wiser person now. But most of all, we have SURVIVED! v(^_^)V
December is always a busy yet a happy month for us. It is always the month of some important functions and events to attend, the month of spring cleaning, the month as a full-time mother as the kids are having their long holidays, and not forgetting it is also the month to sum up company account. much things to be done...yet, enjoying every moment of it though sometimes felt exhausted!
As I'm now in the second trimester, we have been cutting down on outdoor activity. This month I focus more on NingNing's pronunciation, letting the girls helping me with some household chores and their social behaviour in public. As we are celebrating Winter Solstice and Christmas this month, I decided to let the girls have some fun. I made the dough from the glutinous rice flour, adding colouring (red, pink and green) to separated dough then, letting the girls to finish the job. The girls got creative, SyuenSyuen made the "tang yuan" with Christmas term. She made a Snowman instead of traditional round tang yuan while NingNing made 'snake'!! (O.o) They even mixed the colour and knead it round and now, we had RAINBOW tang yuan! So much fun with the girls, it was a MESS but we are happy! enjoyed that I have forgotten the existing of the camera! (=.=)" Anyway, this is the only photo of the tang yuan making.
Last year, we decorated a Candy Christmas Tree. This year, we decorated the Christmas tree with handmade gifts and snowman. They were all made from unwanted material, another recycle project :) Hopefully, we have more and more blessed years to come!
A little sharing on parenting tips, parenting mindset and children activity.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Speech Therapy
Since NingNing had been facing problems with the pronunciation with certain words, we decided to take her to the specialist to have a proper check-up. First, we went to the Emergency Department as we are not too sure who should we refer to, to the ENT Department or the Paediatrics. Then, NingNing was transferred to the Paediatrics to do some speech evaluation.
We are glad that there were nothing wrong with her hearing and tongue. After checking the ear and tongue, she was asked to read alphabet A to Z, sounds okay. And then, she was asked to sing! Then, the paediatrician asked me some history about her. I explained that she started to talk (single, double wording) when she was about 10 months old and complete sentence when she was about 1 and 1/2 year old so, there was no sign of her to be a slow learner or speech disorder.
Then, there was a little conversation between the paediatrician and her to test her understanding of certain question. A simple test on her speech in different language turned up to be fine. In the end, she was diagnosed of slurred speech with certain words.
I heard of the slurred speech years ago and understood the meaning of it. It was nothing serious but what we are afraid of is that she might get so used to the slurred speech that it become her habit one day. I requested the paediatrician to write us a letter so that we can went straight to the speech therapy, which was only available at the General Hospital Ipoh. The paediatrician refused as he thinks that all NingNing needs now is practising the certain pronunciation at home. After much discussion with the paediatrician, we came to a conclusion that we will teach NingNing to practise her speech at home everyday and if there is no improvement after 6 months then only we bring her to the speech therapy.
Back at home, I called my mum and hubby to discuss this matter with them and like what I'm thinking, they also think that 6 months is way too long. In the end, we decided to give ourselves 3 months of deadline. If there is no improvement, we will personally bring NingNing to the GH with or without the letter from the paediatrician.
As for now, I'm doing some research on the speech therapy, hopefully I can find some helpful information. And of course, hope for the best.
We are glad that there were nothing wrong with her hearing and tongue. After checking the ear and tongue, she was asked to read alphabet A to Z, sounds okay. And then, she was asked to sing! Then, the paediatrician asked me some history about her. I explained that she started to talk (single, double wording) when she was about 10 months old and complete sentence when she was about 1 and 1/2 year old so, there was no sign of her to be a slow learner or speech disorder.
Then, there was a little conversation between the paediatrician and her to test her understanding of certain question. A simple test on her speech in different language turned up to be fine. In the end, she was diagnosed of slurred speech with certain words.
I heard of the slurred speech years ago and understood the meaning of it. It was nothing serious but what we are afraid of is that she might get so used to the slurred speech that it become her habit one day. I requested the paediatrician to write us a letter so that we can went straight to the speech therapy, which was only available at the General Hospital Ipoh. The paediatrician refused as he thinks that all NingNing needs now is practising the certain pronunciation at home. After much discussion with the paediatrician, we came to a conclusion that we will teach NingNing to practise her speech at home everyday and if there is no improvement after 6 months then only we bring her to the speech therapy.
Back at home, I called my mum and hubby to discuss this matter with them and like what I'm thinking, they also think that 6 months is way too long. In the end, we decided to give ourselves 3 months of deadline. If there is no improvement, we will personally bring NingNing to the GH with or without the letter from the paediatrician.
As for now, I'm doing some research on the speech therapy, hopefully I can find some helpful information. And of course, hope for the best.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
许多父母都会送孩子到各种各样的才艺班,这很好啊!但是盲点是在于到底孩子上的才艺班是否适合他们,是否真正能发挥他们的潜能呢??把孩子的时间表填得满满的,看到孩子累坏了,家长开始心疼了便把一些“比较不重要”的才艺班删除。大部分家长都会把绘画班,乐器班,音乐班,美术班删除;被保留的都是心算班,英文会话班,智商班等等。其实,我们应该事先了解孩子的潜能,然后选择理想的教育者,再慢慢地栽培孩子。这样的话孩子不会累坏而能发挥孩子的潜能,这不是两全其美吗!此外,有了多余的时间在家,孩子和父母也多了一些互动便促进了亲子关系。可惜的是,往往家长都排斥艺术这方面的教育便埋没了孩子真正的才华。也许,父母们应该不断地提升自己在于教育孩子这方面吧!我本人也不断地学习教育这门复杂的学问,也不断地挑战自己的极限,也不断地在trial and error中吸取经验。
许多父母都会送孩子到各种各样的才艺班,这很好啊!但是盲点是在于到底孩子上的才艺班是否适合他们,是否真正能发挥他们的潜能呢??把孩子的时间表填得满满的,看到孩子累坏了,家长开始心疼了便把一些“比较不重要”的才艺班删除。大部分家长都会把绘画班,乐器班,音乐班,美术班删除;被保留的都是心算班,英文会话班,智商班等等。其实,我们应该事先了解孩子的潜能,然后选择理想的教育者,再慢慢地栽培孩子。这样的话孩子不会累坏而能发挥孩子的潜能,这不是两全其美吗!此外,有了多余的时间在家,孩子和父母也多了一些互动便促进了亲子关系。可惜的是,往往家长都排斥艺术这方面的教育便埋没了孩子真正的才华。也许,父母们应该不断地提升自己在于教育孩子这方面吧!我本人也不断地学习教育这门复杂的学问,也不断地挑战自己的极限,也不断地在trial and error中吸取经验。
Thursday, October 18, 2012
每天旁晚在家下厨的日子已过了两年。这两年来真的是“有血有汗”。从学习煮饭开始一直到学会煮一些高难度的菜肴真的是经历了许多,包括切掉手指的一小块肉,流血不止 ,烫伤脸部等等。但是也就是为了让大家有一餐营养丰富的晚餐,我真的是下了不少的功夫啊!
最让我头痛的是改善大女儿的饮食习惯!有时,辛辛苦苦煮了一餐,她却不肯吃,就算我喂她,她也不肯开口!有时,逼她吃饭,看她一边含着饭一边哭,唉。。也很可怜。当时我心想,也许我煮的食物不舍和她的胃口也有可能我的厨艺的功夫还不到家吧!好,明天煮一些小孩都喜欢吃的食物。隔天,我煮了hotdog 和 nugget,这些都是小孩喜欢吃的!但是,我错了!我的大女儿竟然不喜欢吃!!!唉!!怎么办?!?!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Precious Number 3
With so much await, finally it is here! My hubby and I are overjoyed to receive the good news from the doctor that I'm officially pregnant with our third baby!

Now, I'm into the 12 weeks! Having regular basis check-up with both the private doctor and the government doctor just to make sure that the baby is in good condition.
From the day that I missed my period until now, I'm having bad vomiting. This time, the first trimester period seems a little bit hard to go by. Not only the vomiting makes me feel uneasy but also the headache, backache, tiredness and dizziness which forced me to stay at home for the moment. Unable to work and to do any household chores make both the office and house totally in an upside down condition!
Everything slows down because of me, including the activities and the teaching, even our holidays plans were cancelled! Poor girls! They had to cut down not only their outdoor activity but also their indoor activity due to my up and down condition. But, they are being sensible and they are doing just fine with their bedtime stories and some cuddling time watching cartoons!
A million thanks to my hubby for the care and handling all the big and small matters, from cooking to bathing both girls, from sweeping to mopping and from home to office. All the big and small tasks, seems easy yet tedious! With your help, I'm able to have plenty of rest. You did a great job!
Hopefully, when I'm into the second trimester, I'm in a better condition so that I could spare some energy to do some light household chores and having great fun with both girls!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Dare to Dream
I always wonder and of course, looking forward for this day when my kids finally graduate and having a good career. It might not be any profession or the best of all career but something that they LOVE to involve and something that they PASSION!
I asked them before what would they like to be when they grow up. Due to their tender age, this was how they answered me. SyuenSyuen answered "Mummy, I wanted to do something to deal with Mathematics." In my mind, I was thinking "Ahaa..she wanted to be an Accountant!" NingNing turned to answered "Mummy, I wanted to wear the white clothing, with a white helmet and fly to the moon." Oh my! She wanted to be an Astronaut! So, here they are, the Double "A"!
No matter what field they involved, my hubby and I will give them our full support. We believe and trust them that they can make it as long as they DARE TO DREAM! This is more important than anything else! To be success, the key is PERSISTANCE!
I'm the kinda parents who do research alot, from mental and physical development to education and to many many issues. Come to think that, perhaps I'm too "careful" in bringing them up. Am I paving a smooth pathway or perhaps too smooth?? I wouldn't want to pave a pathway for my children as they have the right to choose and to make decision. I would prefer to guide them, showing them the many pathways, the decision is still in their hands.
If one day, my children told me "Mum, I wanted to become an Artist." (which many many Asian parents' worst nightmare as they have this perception that their children couldn't make a living for being an artist because they don't earn much!) There are massive argument between career and earning issue. Well, just cut it simple. Life is simple and happiness is simple! My answer to my children is "Good! Go ahead, child and be the BEST!"
I asked them before what would they like to be when they grow up. Due to their tender age, this was how they answered me. SyuenSyuen answered "Mummy, I wanted to do something to deal with Mathematics." In my mind, I was thinking "Ahaa..she wanted to be an Accountant!" NingNing turned to answered "Mummy, I wanted to wear the white clothing, with a white helmet and fly to the moon." Oh my! She wanted to be an Astronaut! So, here they are, the Double "A"!
No matter what field they involved, my hubby and I will give them our full support. We believe and trust them that they can make it as long as they DARE TO DREAM! This is more important than anything else! To be success, the key is PERSISTANCE!
I'm the kinda parents who do research alot, from mental and physical development to education and to many many issues. Come to think that, perhaps I'm too "careful" in bringing them up. Am I paving a smooth pathway or perhaps too smooth?? I wouldn't want to pave a pathway for my children as they have the right to choose and to make decision. I would prefer to guide them, showing them the many pathways, the decision is still in their hands.
If one day, my children told me "Mum, I wanted to become an Artist." (which many many Asian parents' worst nightmare as they have this perception that their children couldn't make a living for being an artist because they don't earn much!) There are massive argument between career and earning issue. Well, just cut it simple. Life is simple and happiness is simple! My answer to my children is "Good! Go ahead, child and be the BEST!"
Friday, August 10, 2012
Vegetable Printing
To be fast I always cut the vegetable rather than pluck it leaf by leaf. I always admire the root part of the vegetable that I had cut as it looks like a flower to me. Perhaps we can try to print it! And yes, the girls love printing it and they are amazed too!
This is the root parts of the vegetables, looks like a rose, isn't it?? :)
Love the serious look of NingNing :)
As usual, SyuenSyuen was a little clumsy with it :)
The rose!
SyuenSyuen's Masterpiece!
NingNing's Masterpiece!
I joined in the fun too! This is my masterpiece! :)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
My Best Birthday Gift - They Had Grown Up
5th of August 2012, a day to remember! A day that my heart beating so fast that it almost stopped and with difficult breathing! Due to my carelessness, I lost my two girls!!
As hubby was queueing up to pay at the cashier, I decided to bring both gals to the bread shop. I wanted to buy some breads at the shop while the girls wanted to play the toy machine. Well, as the toy machine was just beside the bread shop, I decided to let them played there while I went in the shop for a few seconds. This is the WORST decision I ever made!! NEVER EVER left your children alone, not even for a few seconds, not even when they are within your sight!
One second they were still at my sight, the next second they were gone. I rushed out but couldn't find them! OMG! Bearing my tear, I quickly ran to my hubby who was paying at the cashier to see that the girls were there with their daddy! Thank God!
My first reaction was scolding SyuenSyuen. Oh great, another mistake that I made!!I shouldn't have scolded her, she must had been so scared at that time! I'm not a good mother, I was so regretted for what I had done.
After cooling down and refreshing my mind, I apologized to both my gals. "I'm sorry, SyuenSyuen and NingNing. I wouldn't repeat my mistake. Please trust me and believe me that I will keep you safe. Mummy always loves both of you."
SyuenSyuen, mummy is very proud of you as even though you are scared at that time but you are CALM and BRAVE. You didn't cry and you knew what you need to do. What I'm really proud of you is that you know how to TAKE CARE of your little sister. You didn't abandoned your younger sister but you held her hand and took her along with you.
NingNing, you did GREAT too. You are being very COOPERATE, following your sister and being BRAVE too!
Both my gals had really grown up! Mummy is very PROUD of the both of you. This is the best birthday gift from the both of you! ALWAYS LOVING YOU BOTH! :)
As hubby was queueing up to pay at the cashier, I decided to bring both gals to the bread shop. I wanted to buy some breads at the shop while the girls wanted to play the toy machine. Well, as the toy machine was just beside the bread shop, I decided to let them played there while I went in the shop for a few seconds. This is the WORST decision I ever made!! NEVER EVER left your children alone, not even for a few seconds, not even when they are within your sight!
One second they were still at my sight, the next second they were gone. I rushed out but couldn't find them! OMG! Bearing my tear, I quickly ran to my hubby who was paying at the cashier to see that the girls were there with their daddy! Thank God!
My first reaction was scolding SyuenSyuen. Oh great, another mistake that I made!!I shouldn't have scolded her, she must had been so scared at that time! I'm not a good mother, I was so regretted for what I had done.
After cooling down and refreshing my mind, I apologized to both my gals. "I'm sorry, SyuenSyuen and NingNing. I wouldn't repeat my mistake. Please trust me and believe me that I will keep you safe. Mummy always loves both of you."
SyuenSyuen, mummy is very proud of you as even though you are scared at that time but you are CALM and BRAVE. You didn't cry and you knew what you need to do. What I'm really proud of you is that you know how to TAKE CARE of your little sister. You didn't abandoned your younger sister but you held her hand and took her along with you.
NingNing, you did GREAT too. You are being very COOPERATE, following your sister and being BRAVE too!
Both my gals had really grown up! Mummy is very PROUD of the both of you. This is the best birthday gift from the both of you! ALWAYS LOVING YOU BOTH! :)
老公突然问到“老婆,怎么你最近那么温柔?”我就大声地说“什么??你说什么??以前,我不温柔嚒??” 老公应该是觉得不大对劲,很快地回答到“没有啦,以前你也是温柔,不过现在比较温柔。”我也傻傻地问“我几时开始变得比较温柔?”(似乎他说的对)老公竟然回应“这两个月啊”老公继续地说“你以前很会发脾气,不喜欢的事就会骂我,要不吗就是脸黑黑地不睬我。。现在就没有骂我了,不喜欢的事都会温温柔柔地说,变了很多。”听起来好像很可怜!
OMG! 原来,我以前对老公的态度是这样的,是那么地差!我也觉得自己最近很“奇怪”,好像很多看不过眼,看不顺眼的事,都不会放在心上。。听到一些不好听的话,我竟然没生气,反而觉得那些话很搞笑。。碰到不好的人,也不会排斥他人,反而觉得面对这样的人是一种修行。。害怕自己这样的转变是不正常的便和老公谈谈这两个月来对事对人的想法以及态度。。也许,以前我比较要求完美吧,绝对不应许任何差错,一点不顺心就会大发雷霆,也把生活上的点点滴滴计划完美!但是,逐渐领悟到不是每一次都能够顺心如意。。完美之中的不完美也是一种美!我还是相信着个理念 "Everything happened, happens for a REASON."
听了我的讲解,老公表示支持,我也很开心。最后,老公的结论竟然是“老婆,你很可怕叻。”哈哈哈哈。。我也是觉得我很可怕。。便开玩笑地说“所以,你最好是不要得罪我,不然,我就会让你好看!” 没想到,我这次的改变竟然更加促进我们俩的感情。
以后不要再说对不起我,不要再说你很抱歉不能够给我最好的因为你已经给我最好的了!我很珍惜我们在一起的时间,很感谢你给我的美好回忆!I believe more to come :)
老公突然问到“老婆,怎么你最近那么温柔?”我就大声地说“什么??你说什么??以前,我不温柔嚒??” 老公应该是觉得不大对劲,很快地回答到“没有啦,以前你也是温柔,不过现在比较温柔。”我也傻傻地问“我几时开始变得比较温柔?”(似乎他说的对)老公竟然回应“这两个月啊”老公继续地说“你以前很会发脾气,不喜欢的事就会骂我,要不吗就是脸黑黑地不睬我。。现在就没有骂我了,不喜欢的事都会温温柔柔地说,变了很多。”听起来好像很可怜!
OMG! 原来,我以前对老公的态度是这样的,是那么地差!我也觉得自己最近很“奇怪”,好像很多看不过眼,看不顺眼的事,都不会放在心上。。听到一些不好听的话,我竟然没生气,反而觉得那些话很搞笑。。碰到不好的人,也不会排斥他人,反而觉得面对这样的人是一种修行。。害怕自己这样的转变是不正常的便和老公谈谈这两个月来对事对人的想法以及态度。。也许,以前我比较要求完美吧,绝对不应许任何差错,一点不顺心就会大发雷霆,也把生活上的点点滴滴计划完美!但是,逐渐领悟到不是每一次都能够顺心如意。。完美之中的不完美也是一种美!我还是相信着个理念 "Everything happened, happens for a REASON."
听了我的讲解,老公表示支持,我也很开心。最后,老公的结论竟然是“老婆,你很可怕叻。”哈哈哈哈。。我也是觉得我很可怕。。便开玩笑地说“所以,你最好是不要得罪我,不然,我就会让你好看!” 没想到,我这次的改变竟然更加促进我们俩的感情。
以后不要再说对不起我,不要再说你很抱歉不能够给我最好的因为你已经给我最好的了!我很珍惜我们在一起的时间,很感谢你给我的美好回忆!I believe more to come :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Flip-Flop Book
This is our very first flip-flop book and we took around one month to finish it. Since SyuenSyuen wanted to know times before dinosaur and Ice Age, we decided to go through the prehistoric time line. I had hard time finding the information and sometimes, confused with the time line. And of course, summarizing the time line and simplifing the whole stuff had been a challenge to me. Yup, me too learning something from all the research. It took me a week to do the research.
Then, we spent a day to view the slideshow from National Geographic website, a wonderful slideshow SyuenSyuen loves the story line that I tried my best to tell :)
Then, we spent another week on drawing and colouring all the pictures.
Another week spent with attaching parts of the flip-flop book and pasting all the pictures in it. Finally, our very long flip-flop book was done! It took us plenty of time but it really pays off.
I put the flip-flop book together with the other storybooks in our bookshelf, it will be one of our bedtime storybooks! :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sports Day 2012
This year is SyuenSyuen's very first Sports Day. Thank you hubby for taking the effort to spare some time off the work to join in the fun!
Parade was the very first program to start off. SyuenSyuen had been telling me about this "walking stuff" alot these days...saying that they had been practising to parade real hard these days, instruction to follow the big brother in front, with no looking here and there and no broken line alllowed.
Standing next to SyuenSyuen's kindergarten is Preschool of SJK(C) Kuala Kuang.
Then, we had speeches from the Headmistress and Chairman of SJK(C) Kuala Kuang followed by Chairman of Tadika Chin Lai (SyuenSyuen's kindergarten). Next, the primary school children performed some dances before the real competition began!
We didn't take any pictures of SyuenSyuen's competition as we scared that we might distracted her but we took a video clip of her from FAR...real far..hahahaha..
To our surprise, SyuenSyuen managed to get Number 3! Not that we do not trust her that she can do it, it is just that to us, she is our little clumsy girl with rough action. We are happy with her achievement and seem like she is very happy too! :) hubby was called out to present the awards to winners?!?!
Then, there were competition for parents or outsider to join! My hubby and my two sister-in-laws joined in the fun too! They joined in the Tug-Of-War! They had fun and of course, they won too!! :) Both contestants and spectators were excited over the game, with all the laughing and cheering!
At the end of the day, we all went home happily! What a GREAT day!! So looking forward next year!!
Parade was the very first program to start off. SyuenSyuen had been telling me about this "walking stuff" alot these days...saying that they had been practising to parade real hard these days, instruction to follow the big brother in front, with no looking here and there and no broken line alllowed.
Standing next to SyuenSyuen's kindergarten is Preschool of SJK(C) Kuala Kuang.
Then, we had speeches from the Headmistress and Chairman of SJK(C) Kuala Kuang followed by Chairman of Tadika Chin Lai (SyuenSyuen's kindergarten). Next, the primary school children performed some dances before the real competition began!
We didn't take any pictures of SyuenSyuen's competition as we scared that we might distracted her but we took a video clip of her from FAR...real far..hahahaha..
To our surprise, SyuenSyuen managed to get Number 3! Not that we do not trust her that she can do it, it is just that to us, she is our little clumsy girl with rough action. We are happy with her achievement and seem like she is very happy too! :) hubby was called out to present the awards to winners?!?!
Then, there were competition for parents or outsider to join! My hubby and my two sister-in-laws joined in the fun too! They joined in the Tug-Of-War! They had fun and of course, they won too!! :) Both contestants and spectators were excited over the game, with all the laughing and cheering!
At the end of the day, we all went home happily! What a GREAT day!! So looking forward next year!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Green n' Red Plant
Oh my, it has been two weeks since the school reopened yet I'm still struggling with the workload! Our very first planting was done during the school holidays but now only I have the time to blog it.
As it was a two-weeks of holidays, we brought the girls to Science Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Please refer to the blog if you missed it :) In the meantime, I bought some holiday workbooks for both girls as they requested. Yup, they finished it within the time frame.
Our holiday project was planting!! I, myself was never good in planting so, we decided to plant something easy. Something that grows easily and grows up fast! Growing beans will be fun! As I have said that I'm not a green hand, I'm confused with the beans!! Should we use green or red beans?? Ooppss...there are two kind of red beans! In the end, we bought some green and some red beans, tried to grow both beans.
Provided the girls with some cotton balls, papers, pencil, colour pencil and bottles. Again, we reused the mineral bottles as our pots for the plant :) Drawing pictures of beans, colouring the pictures (indicating green and red beans) and writing down the name and date were fun as they were so excited over the project! Ooppss... wrong spelled name only I realised!
As NingNing is still learning to write, she only drew and coloured the beans!
Both girls placed the cotton balls in the 'pots' while I pasted the picture that they had drawn and coloured. Then, they carefully placed the beans according to the pictures. Watering the plant was the last step.
The next day, the girls were so anxious to take a look at their plants. They were overjoyed when they saw the tiny bud grew out of the beans. Again, they watered the plant and put it aside in the meantime trying to finish their holiday workbooks. On the third day, they were even excited to see their plants growing into seedlings! Simply love hearing them saying "WOW" and laughing away. Then, NingNing tried to give the plants more water in order to let it grow taller. Luckily, SyuenSyuen stopped her and told her that they only need a little of water every day.
So, every day the girls will water the plant and of course all the "WOW" was always been heard and they were so looking forward to take a look at the plant every morning! NingNing was very contented with her green bean plant as it grew really well (she put lots of green bean in!!) hahahaha...Both girls were so happy when their plants grow real tall!! What is there more than seeing both girls grow up happily!!
Compared to the green beans, the red beans grew slower but still it grew! Thus, the girls learned that the green beans grew faster than the red beans and they both needs air, water and sunlight to grow! I was thinking to plant spring onion the next time. Hopefully, it will be a success too.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
刚巧在我和小弟帮外婆按摩的时候,药性过了,外婆的眼睛睁开了一下,手指动了一下,我和小弟很兴奋,立刻跟外婆说“阿嫲, 我是阿钰,我回来看你,你不用怕,没事的”阿嫲看一看我,无法回答无法说话的她,眼泪直流,我再也忍不住了,我也落泪了。。不想让家人,让阿嫲收我影响,我冲去则所,偷偷地哭,收拾好心情再回到ICU看看外婆。外婆尝试把喉管拔掉,妈妈立刻阻止,看了真的叫人鼻酸。
刚巧在我和小弟帮外婆按摩的时候,药性过了,外婆的眼睛睁开了一下,手指动了一下,我和小弟很兴奋,立刻跟外婆说“阿嫲, 我是阿钰,我回来看你,你不用怕,没事的”阿嫲看一看我,无法回答无法说话的她,眼泪直流,我再也忍不住了,我也落泪了。。不想让家人,让阿嫲收我影响,我冲去则所,偷偷地哭,收拾好心情再回到ICU看看外婆。外婆尝试把喉管拔掉,妈妈立刻阻止,看了真的叫人鼻酸。
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Dinosaur Live!
As it is school holidays and since our two girls love dinosaur so much, we decided to make a trip to the Dinosaur Live at Pusat Sains Negara, Kuala Lumpur. To make our trip memorable, we purposely chose to go there on NingNing's 3rd birthday!!
We had a two-days one-night trip. As we just needed a room to sleep so, this time we decided to stay in a budget hotel, Juliet Hotel costed RM98! The hotel was okay, at least it is clean! We had our dinner with a couple of friends and of course, the foods were delicious.
We woke up early the next day and we had very delicious nasi lemak! Missing the sambal already!!! Hopefully to go there again for the nasi lemak though it was a bit expensive, RM6.50 per plate! After the breakfast, we went to Pusat Sains Negara at around 9 a.m..and yes, we were the early birds, there were plenty of parking lots. But, by 11 a.m. the parking lots were full, with both side of the road fully parked by big and small cars!
We bought the family package, with two adults and two children aged between 3-6 costed RM42. It's really worthwhile, we spent about six hours there! I love the coral section, it's BEAUTIFUL! NingNing loves the aquarium section, with big fishes. Before heading to the dinasour, there were many sections for us to do experiment. It was fun! The sad part was seeing some children who doesn't know how to cherish public facility. Well, it was a perfect time to show my girls that we should take care of public facility. Here are some snapshot of it.
I think that my hubby loves the IT section the most! Seeing those old IT stuff amazed me too! Hehehehe...especially the BIG MOUSE!!
Then, we headed to the Dinosaur Live! In facts, I was mentally prepared as I knew that some children in there might cry and of course, this made NingNing felt scared and cry too! SyuenSyuen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur, seeing them moving with very real complexion and movement! Oh yeah, I remember vividly those eyelids that moving up and down, with the eye-ball looking so real! Amazing!! Well, this exhibition will be held until 31st of July 2012. For those who haven't visit, it's really worthwhile! Here's a few snapshot of it.
After that, we went to do some craft works. And of course, the theme is dinosaur.
The outdoor section is the Biodiversity Area and the insect area. Butterflies were everywhere. The girls were excited to see all the butterflies flying around them. Great experience for them!
We spent about 6 hours at Pusat SainsNegara before we headed home and had a little birthday celebration for NingNing at McD. It's was indeed a great day!
We had a two-days one-night trip. As we just needed a room to sleep so, this time we decided to stay in a budget hotel, Juliet Hotel costed RM98! The hotel was okay, at least it is clean! We had our dinner with a couple of friends and of course, the foods were delicious.
We woke up early the next day and we had very delicious nasi lemak! Missing the sambal already!!! Hopefully to go there again for the nasi lemak though it was a bit expensive, RM6.50 per plate! After the breakfast, we went to Pusat Sains Negara at around 9 a.m..and yes, we were the early birds, there were plenty of parking lots. But, by 11 a.m. the parking lots were full, with both side of the road fully parked by big and small cars!
We bought the family package, with two adults and two children aged between 3-6 costed RM42. It's really worthwhile, we spent about six hours there! I love the coral section, it's BEAUTIFUL! NingNing loves the aquarium section, with big fishes. Before heading to the dinasour, there were many sections for us to do experiment. It was fun! The sad part was seeing some children who doesn't know how to cherish public facility. Well, it was a perfect time to show my girls that we should take care of public facility. Here are some snapshot of it.
My favourite section is the music section, especially these stepping music with lights!
Then, we headed to the Dinosaur Live! In facts, I was mentally prepared as I knew that some children in there might cry and of course, this made NingNing felt scared and cry too! SyuenSyuen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur, seeing them moving with very real complexion and movement! Oh yeah, I remember vividly those eyelids that moving up and down, with the eye-ball looking so real! Amazing!! Well, this exhibition will be held until 31st of July 2012. For those who haven't visit, it's really worthwhile! Here's a few snapshot of it.
Then, we headed to the playground. We spent around 45 minutes there.
After that, we went to do some craft works. And of course, the theme is dinosaur.
The outdoor section is the Biodiversity Area and the insect area. Butterflies were everywhere. The girls were excited to see all the butterflies flying around them. Great experience for them!
We spent about 6 hours at Pusat SainsNegara before we headed home and had a little birthday celebration for NingNing at McD. It's was indeed a great day!
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