Monday, September 6, 2010

My Mother

My mother is someone that I felt I would never give enough to. I felt that I owe her alot in every aspect!

To start with, she is a very good mother. I love her so much. She is a very noble mother. We are from poor family. But, my mother no matter how hard and how tired she worked, she tried her best to give us the best education. I still remember the days when she worked in Singapore. In order to earn more, she worked night shift in the Seagate factory, Singapore. Not matter how tired she is, she still cooked for us 3 meals a day. In her mind, she thinks that it is healthier and we can save more money if we eat at home. Then, she would take her afternoon "sleep" before she went to work at night! I still remember that her bus would pick her up at 6p.m. from our house every day. Those money is my mum's hard-earned money. She even signed us up in talent classes like drawing, piano class and so on.

Not only she is very anxious with our education, she is also very anxious about our health and morality. When she had some times, she would tell us and teach us how to become a better person. She told us what is the right thing to do. The lesson she taught us is endless. She taught us whatever she knew, if she doesn't know, she searched in books and taught us!

I really thank her for what she had done for us. If not her, I wouldn't have all the talent. If not her, there will be no me today. I'm so grateful to God for giving us a chance to be mother-and-daughter. I hope to be your daughter again in next life, Mum! I LOVE YOU, MUM!

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