I have been always wanted to bring Li Syuen to friends' and relatives' house but something always holds me back. Sometimes, my friends and relatives will also bring their children to our house. To what I have been observing, I found that I couldn't stand some children's and parents' attitude and character. Am I being too fussy? Or am I being overprotected?
I really love my daughter and I want the best for her.
What I gave her might not be the best (for some other people's thought) but one thing that I'm very sure of is that I gave her all that I have unconditionally.
One thing that I seriously care is my children's character and attitude. And of course, their health too. So far, I have been very responsible in her health and of course, the baby in my womb. And I hope I will have the willpower to continue on.
Talking about character and attitude, I really couldn't stand those parents who love to compare their children with the others. "Eh, your daughter still doesn't know how talk arr??" , "Eh, your daughter is darker than my daughter." , "My children have my family genetic which is very good in Mathematics." "My children have high IQ." Oh my God, what kind of parents is that?? I'm indeed very shocked when I heard all these nonsense.
In fact, I wouldn't mind they tell me all those nonsense but please don't do it in front of the children. This is not good for both my daughter and their children. Children do understand what the adults are talking about.
You might not be awared that what you talk day by day, bit by bit will bring up whatsoever your children. What I do believe is every child has his/her own milestone. You can definitely compare things or products but not your own flesh blood. They are not products.
We know that comparing and talk negatively in front of the children is for sure not good for the children but please do remember that praising TOO MUCH in front of the children will also bring "side-effect" to the children.One more thing that I couldn't stand is cleanliness. I don't understand why some parents overlook their children's cleanliness. This is a very basic matter that we have to take care of everyday, every hour, every minute. I met before children with dirty hands and feet that came to my house, some even wore dirty clothing. Yup, my daughter played with them, you know, they are your guests!! You wouldn't want to say something to offend them.
Children do get dirty, this I won't deny. My daughter gets dirty too especially when eating time cause I let her feed herself. She gets dirty too when she plays in the garden, building her sandcastle. After playing or eating, you can just give her a bath or just clean her up. It is as easy as ABC.
Being clean could save your children from any germs and be healthy always. Lucky for me, my daughter loves cleanliness and I believe this is how we bring her up, to love cleanliness.
Choosing playmate for your children might be tedious. Oh no, did I sound too arrogant?? But, sorry to say that I do choose my daughter's playmate. First, of course cleanliness. Second, character and attitude. For sure every parents wouldn't want their children learning bad manner or action from other children. For example, if you let your child to play with a child who knows how to talk foul words, I can tell you for sure that your child will learn it in no time at all. I did not meant to be so arrogant, choosing playmate for my daughter. Maybe my daughter is being chosen by other parents to be or not to be their child's playmate. No one knows. In fact, I do not mind about this. I can choose people, people can also choose me. At least, I know that I'm trying my best to provide a better environment for my child. Some people think that if you let children to explore, to communicate with various of people, they will learn somehow. But, to me, I still think that this is not suitable for my daughter at such a tender age. Her thinking is still so naive. I will let her explore when she is older, around age 4 when she is better in jugding. For now, I think I will stick to my point.