Friday, August 10, 2012

Vegetable Printing

To be fast I always cut the vegetable rather than pluck it leaf by leaf. I always admire the root part of the vegetable that I had cut as it looks like a flower to me. Perhaps we can try to print it! And yes, the girls love printing it and they are amazed too!

This is the root parts of the vegetables, looks like a rose, isn't it?? :)

Love the serious look of NingNing :)
As usual, SyuenSyuen was a little clumsy with it :)
The rose!
SyuenSyuen's Masterpiece!
NingNing's Masterpiece!
I joined in the fun too! This is my masterpiece! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Best Birthday Gift - They Had Grown Up

5th of August 2012, a day to remember! A day that my heart beating so fast that it almost stopped and with difficult breathing! Due to my carelessness, I lost my two girls!!

As hubby was queueing up to pay at the cashier, I decided to bring both gals to the bread shop. I wanted to buy some breads at the shop while the girls wanted to play the toy machine. Well, as the toy machine was just beside the bread shop, I decided to let them played there while I went in the shop for a few seconds. This is the WORST decision I ever made!! NEVER EVER left your children alone, not even for a few seconds, not even when they are within your sight!

One second they were still at my sight, the next second they were gone. I rushed out but couldn't find them! OMG! Bearing my tear, I quickly ran to my hubby who was paying at the cashier to see that the girls were there with their daddy! Thank God!

My first reaction was scolding SyuenSyuen. Oh great, another mistake that I made!!I shouldn't have scolded her, she must had been so scared at that time! I'm not a good mother, I was so regretted for what I had done.

After cooling down and refreshing my mind, I apologized to both my gals. "I'm sorry, SyuenSyuen and NingNing. I wouldn't repeat my mistake. Please trust me and believe me that I will keep you safe. Mummy always loves both of you."

SyuenSyuen, mummy is very proud of you as even though you are scared at that time but you are CALM and BRAVE. You didn't cry and you knew what you need to do. What I'm really proud of you is that you know how to TAKE CARE of your little sister. You didn't abandoned your younger sister but you held her hand and took her along with you.  

NingNing, you did GREAT too. You are being very COOPERATE, following your sister and being BRAVE too!

Both my gals had really grown up! Mummy is very PROUD of the both of you. This is the best birthday gift from the both of you! ALWAYS LOVING YOU BOTH! :)



老公突然问到“老婆,怎么你最近那么温柔?”我就大声地说“什么??你说什么??以前,我不温柔嚒??” 老公应该是觉得不大对劲,很快地回答到“没有啦,以前你也是温柔,不过现在比较温柔。”我也傻傻地问“我几时开始变得比较温柔?”(似乎他说的对)老公竟然回应“这两个月啊”老公继续地说“你以前很会发脾气,不喜欢的事就会骂我,要不吗就是脸黑黑地不睬我。。现在就没有骂我了,不喜欢的事都会温温柔柔地说,变了很多。”听起来好像很可怜!

OMG! 原来,我以前对老公的态度是这样的,是那么地差!我也觉得自己最近很“奇怪”,好像很多看不过眼,看不顺眼的事,都不会放在心上。。听到一些不好听的话,我竟然没生气,反而觉得那些话很搞笑。。碰到不好的人,也不会排斥他人,反而觉得面对这样的人是一种修行。。害怕自己这样的转变是不正常的便和老公谈谈这两个月来对事对人的想法以及态度。。也许,以前我比较要求完美吧,绝对不应许任何差错,一点不顺心就会大发雷霆,也把生活上的点点滴滴计划完美!但是,逐渐领悟到不是每一次都能够顺心如意。。完美之中的不完美也是一种美!我还是相信着个理念 "Everything happened, happens for a REASON."

听了我的讲解,老公表示支持,我也很开心。最后,老公的结论竟然是“老婆,你很可怕叻。”哈哈哈哈。。我也是觉得我很可怕。。便开玩笑地说“所以,你最好是不要得罪我,不然,我就会让你好看!” 没想到,我这次的改变竟然更加促进我们俩的感情。


以后不要再说对不起我,不要再说你很抱歉不能够给我最好的因为你已经给我最好的了!我很珍惜我们在一起的时间,很感谢你给我的美好回忆!I believe more to come :)
