It has been 7 months or so since my last post. I have been busy with my 2 princesses. SyuenSyuen started her school life this January and I can see that she is enjoying her school life. As for NingNing, she has begun to crawl and stand. Since then, I have been busy taking care of them and at the same time, busy with my own work. Yup, what a hectic life to start off the year 2010.
For the last few days, I haven't sleep well, same goes to my husband. It is all because of NingNing. She had high fever for the past 3 days. We are so worried about her. But, thank God she is fine now.
One thing that I notice myself is that my temper really improves alot. I'm used to be a very bad-temper person. I'm a very fast paced person. Once I have something to do, I will get it done within the next few minutes. I do not like to wait. I like to get things done in no time at all without any help from others. Things got worse if I didn't have enough sleep. Something happened to me..MIRACLE, I guess.
SyuenSyuen and NingNing do influence me a lot. To be their mother, I felt blessed. I'm happy and contented that I have them and my husband too. They inspired me to be patient, patient and patient...
I think I change for the best! Even without enough sleep, my temper is still cool. My mood does swing sometimes but all I need is TIME. Time to sort things out, time to cool down, time to rethink and replan. I'm glad that my EQ is improving. I believe that this is the real me! Thank you God for giving me the chance of reborn..I will cherish it, I will cherish myself, I will cherish my family, I will cherish the time..Thank you!